Last Updated 01/05/2023
30+ Joined
3 Days
Registration is only open for Higher Institutions

What is Hackathon?
LiveWIRE Hackathon is a 3-day hackathon designed to stimulate the entrepreneurial capacity of the youth to work together and develop suitable solutions from a broader perspective focusing on Problem Statements provided by the industries.
This hackathon acts as a pit-stop on a long journey to solve problems or as a training session to prepare participants for solving the highlighted areas. Participants are expected to consider the softer components other than innovation, such as reshaping business strategies and processes, to derive the value of the I.R 4.0 prospects.
1. Teams must consist of 5 members.
2. Participants must be from national Higher Institutions or private colleges in Brunei Darussalam.
3. Each team member must be from the same institution.
4. Pre-requisite masterclasses attendance is mandatory to progress. Upon successful registration for hackathon, the workshop dates will be notified through email.
5. If you have already attended these pre-requites masterclasses (can be found in registration form), an exemption may be granted upon proof of certification.